Analysis of Feed Samples

Brief Description

The PCC as a research and development institution extends its full support in terms of technical (extension and training) and laboratory services to its clients. The nutrition section is one of the organic units of the PCC that develops technologies for enhancing the productivity of the dairy buffaloes through improved nutrition with sustainable forage/feed production, conservation and utilization. It also develops practical and least-cost buffalo rations that are based on nutritional standards. Service Standard

The Nutrition Laboratory supports the research and development activities of the agency and it provides services to the whole PCC network, farmers, researchers and students in assessing the nutritive values of feed and forage samples such as the proximate analysis, detergent fiber determination, Calcium and Phosphorous analysis. The laboratory activities are teamed by competent nutritionist, chemist and analyst. The measuring devices used in the laboratory are regularly maintained and calibrated to ensure the accuracy and acceptability of the results. Once the request is approved, results of the analysis can be released after 4.5 to 8 days working days.


1. Receive letter of request for lab services Letter of request Office of the Executive Director Head, Nutrition Requesting Party As it comes
2. Evaluation of letter of request Letter of request Executive Director Head, Nutrition 0.25 day
3. Notify the requesting party Issuance of letter of approval/disapproval Head, Nutrition /Lab Analyst 0.25 day
4. Acceptance of samples for approved request Receiving copy Lab Analyst / Requesting Party 0.5 day
5. Preparation of samples, reagents and equipment Equipment, glass wares and reagents Nutritionist/Lab Analyst 1 day
6. Actual laboratory analysis Equipment, glass wares and reagents Lab Analyst (Min.) 1.5 (Max.) 5 per sample
7. Preparation and release of lab results Signed copy of report/ results of analysis Head, Nutrition/ Laboratory analyst 1 day
TOTAL 4.5 – 8 Days