14 new AI technicians to increase calf drop in CAR

Fourteen new AI technicians from select provincial government and local government units in the Cordillera Administrative Region officially completed the basic course on artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis on large ruminants today at the ATI-RTC-CAR, BSU Compound, La Trinidad, Benguet, May 17.

The said training was initiated by the Department of Agriculture-CAR-Unified National Artificial Insemination Program (UNAIP), funded by the Agricultural Training Institute-Cordillera Administrative Region, and aims to increase the calf drop of large ruminants in the region.

As one of the agencies leading the AI initiatives, ATI-CAR has partnered with the DA-Philippine Carabao Center at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DA-PCC at DMMMSU) to capacitate the participants on artificial insemination (AI) and pregnancy diagnosis (PD).

The DA-PCC at DMMMSU team has equipped them with theoretical and technical training on artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis, including its process, proper handling, and maintenance of equipment, familiarization with the female reproductive organs of carabaos, body scoring, management of common reproductive diseases and abnormalities, and best practices in AI.

AI Coordinator Reynaldo Paneda, together with the center and village-based AI technicians, spurred their field exposure to AI and PD after their deployment to the different sites of the service area of the center.
The month-long training commenced on April 22 and ended on May 15.

Miezel Coma, the only female AI technician in the batch, said that the discussions were insightful as they were based on experience and beneficial for their hands-on learning as trainees had their aha moments.

DA-PCC at DMMMSU Center Director Vilma Gagni expressed her heartfelt gratitude for choosing the center for this collaboration. She hoped that the lessons learned by the technicians in this training would be shared with others, as learning is a never-ending cycle.

“In learning, we teach, and in teaching, we learn,” she said.
During today’s closing ceremony, the participants expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge in performing AI and PD.

Allan Guinobang, livestock coordinator and AI technician of the Municipal Agriculture Office in Lamut, pledges to increase the population of large ruminants in their municipality, citing a decrease in the number of carabaos due to slaughter, mostly females, and a scarcity of bulls.

With newly trained AI technicians and heroes in the livestock industry, they hope to contribute to the improvement of livestock production in Abra, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, and Mountain Province.